It's A Great Life To Live

17 March 2007

I'm still alive, thank you..!

i know, i know... i've not been updating my blog for the past 3 months or so.. reason being? malas, tu je.. hehe.. but thanks to bayah for tagging me.. here is my blog update in the form of meme.. :D err... meme ke ni??

Rules of the game: Each player of this game starts out by telling 6 weird things about themselves on their own blog, as well as state the rules clearly. At the end, you will need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list out their names. After you do that, leave them a comment on their blogs letting them know you tagged them.

Okay, here goes my 6 weird things about me (i don't really know if they are weird, but whatever la kan):
  1. although i'm no longer a student, i'm currently staying in a hostel.. yup, you heard me right.. a HOSTEL.. not hotel.. reason being, it's quite far to commute from SA (previous residence) to KL everyday, but it's burdensome to find an apartment to live in and move my things over.. especially, if i were to live alone in KL kan.. no money maa.. so i settle with hostel.. complete with a roommate, common bathroom and everything.. better yet it has wireless internet.. for RM250 a month, i've nothing to complain..
  2. although (second although huh) i'm not in study mode, i'm always looking for something to learn.. as to keep my brain from going lembaps.. after my graduation, i learn to swim, learn to salsa and learn french.. i'm still a beginner though in french.. and currently on vacation from french lessons.. may continue in april (crossing my fingers).. any ideas what else to learn after this? suggestions are welcomed..
  3. i'm trying very hard to finish watching prisonbreak season 1.. hellooo!! so slow okay.. orang lain bole habiskan one whole season within days.. some within one day... but not me, i'm taking my own sweet time to finish it.. not that it's not interesting or anything, i just dont know why.. it's been almost 2 months already.. i wanna watch heroes pulak, but can't since my external hard disk tak muat.. have to delete prisonbreak dulu, which i haven't finished yet... so, chain reaction la ni... until then, heroes will have to wait... why don't i just watch heroes at tv? refer to item no 1..
  4. i find it very hard to wake up in the morning.. regardless of what time i slept the night before.. does anyone else have this problem?? or is it just me? i'm not a morning person kot..
  5. i don't like to drive whenever i can.. since everyday i drive to and fro work and have to go through traffic jams, i will dodge driving whenever i have the chance.. hehe.. like when i go to my sister's, then she will have to drive whenever we go.. hehehe.. kan lang kan kan kan..
  6. last item ni susah la pulak nak fikir... hmm.. i don't know if this is weird or not.. but i can eat alone.. yup, by myself.. if i don't have dates for breakfast or lunch or dinner, i'll just eat alone then.. i used to need reading materials with me if i were to eat alone, but now not anymore.. i can just go, and eat and go back.. no hal punye!

okay.. if it's not weird, sorry la yea.. please tell me things about me that u think is weird.. so, now i would like to tag the following people:

  1. Loly
  2. Mate
  3. Joy
  4. Dilla
  5. Su
  6. Amir

If you guys have free time to spare, boleh la buat.. :)


posted by Pip at 20:15 5 comments