It's A Great Life To Live

29 September 2008

it's two days till raya..

..and i haven't gotten my duit raya changed yet!! aaaarrgh!!!

maaf zahir batin


posted by Pip at 11:01 3 comments

23 September 2008

dear john

i'm trying to write a letter.. what letter? it's for me to know and you not to find out.. since it's so hard for me to draft the letter, i was thinking of asking my best buddy, google if he knows any good sample that i can refer to..

yeah, i know.. what's becoming of today's generation? can't even write a letter without google's help? well, i call it looking for inspiration.. i'm sure the end result would be nothing like what i found..

but i digress..

anyways, i found this link to a template for dear john letter.. i think it's hillarious.. i wonder how it feels like receiving a break-up letter sounding like this:

Dear John,

I don't know quite how to tell you this, but you need to bathe more. I think I first knew it when your sheepdog went berserk while eating enchilladas, and I saw you sit on Bert and Ernie. I'm sure you're stoned enough to see I dig sanitation men. I'm returning your dentures, but I'm holding on to Murray's leotards as a keepsake. I want you to know that I'll get nauseous thinking of your screwing up World War II.

Eat your heart out,

Pip >:D

i know it doesn't make any sense.. but if you need any help for a dear john letter.. it pretty much gives a lot of.... ideas..

why do i even have time to do this? i don't know why... now back to my letter.. ugghh!


posted by Pip at 15:07 2 comments

16 September 2008

what's next

i'm trying to figure out what to do now.. should i just drop everything and leave? my logic keeps telling me that it's not the way to go.. but i have heard somewhere - whatever you think, think the opposite... maybe i should just drop everything and leave.. why stay when things haven't changed?


posted by Pip at 16:19 2 comments

05 September 2008

midnight bloom

i went back to my parents house last weekend.. to celebrate the arrival of ramadhan and to my surprise the bakawali flowers were in bloom! the day i got home, there were 6 of them, but i missed it.. since i went to bed quite early.. but the next night, right before i went back to KL, 3 of them started to bloom...
the flower buds

the thing about bakawali flowers is, they only bloom once and always at night.. they open their petals fully at midnight... they start to bloom at around 9-ish.. after they fully bloomed, the will stay that way for about a couple of hours before starting to wilt.. by the time the sun rises, there's no more trace of the midnight beauty left..

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posted by Pip at 19:10 4 comments