It's A Great Life To Live

27 January 2006

somebody stupid

Have you ever felt so angry that you feel like your head is going to explode? Well, today started as if it's going to be a perfect last-of-day work day before the long break. But, no... somebody just HAD to make somebody elses' day worse.. heh! Although it did not happen to me directly, it still pisses me off.

Well, a few weeks before, me along with a few others were assigned to prepare a report for a big meeting. The results? We had to work during the weekends and even slept at the office. So, all of us (the team) were given replacement leave for the days that we worked on the weekend. Since then, we were not able to take the replacement leave coz, you know.. work commitment, training, etc. So we plan to take it this long break. I am always thankful to have such an understanding bosses, you know. So they have no problem releasing me for the break. However, two members of the team were having problems getting clearance for the leave, because they report to different boss.

Now tell me, is it fair when:

It's like talking to a stupid person, you know. When justification is provided, it's said that that's an excuse. I really don't understand why is he being such a pain in the @** ?? Is it because:

Oh my god.. This guy is so stupid! Spoiling everybody's mood for the holiday.. And.. surprise..surprise.. he's on leave today..

posted by Pip at 11:27 0 comments

21 January 2006

my lovesss!!

-my girls-
posted by Pip at 18:44 0 comments

18 January 2006


UTP Alumni Fund Raising Dinner is organized by Pertubuhan Alumni UTP to provide aid to an orphanage house Pertubuhan Penyayang Ar-Raudah as well as to help our association to initially leap forward in organizing more charity events for the needed in the future.

Date: 4 February 2006
Venue: Dewan Permata PETRONAS, Bangi
Time: 7:45 p.m.

You are cordially invited to this occasion. We hope that with your token of contribution, this event will be a very meaningful event cherished by all.

Buy a seat for you and others today!

Alumni members: RM 80
Non-members: RM 100

You can also sponsor seat(s) for the orphans. Please feel free to contact me if you're interested to buy/sponsor seat(s).

More information:
posted by Pip at 20:44 0 comments