It's A Great Life To Live
30 May 2004

last friday nite, i went to the fever!..the saturday nite fever that is..i really enjoyed the show..really satisfying although i was in the upper circle..luckily we got the front row seats..went with my sis and her friend..almost made me got up and dance..but..i was shy.. :D
Posted by Hello
27 May 2004
The long day is over..
By the fire
The long day is over
The wind is gone
Asleep at dawn
The embers burn on
With no reprise
The sun will rise
The long day is over
-Norah Jones-
25 May 2004
Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives;
Be kind anyway.
If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies;
Succeed anyway.
If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you;
Be honest and frank anyway.
What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight;
Build anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous;
Be happy anyway.
The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow;
Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough.
Give the world the best you've got anyway.
You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and God;
It was never between you and them anyway.
24 May 2004
risky business
what's my point? i have a point and i'm getting to it..those in klcc, have you ever noticed lazar?? opposite cpk? ever noticed that it's empty, like, most of the time? i had dinner there on saturday last weekend..that's why i'm talking about risk..luckily i just ordered the salad..and i can say it sucked - big time..! hehe..well, see now? i took the risk to try something i haven't tried before and it went action = eat at lazar, my consequences = it sucked.. then, took 2nd action = got a pizza@cpk.. consequences = satisfied..
lessons learnt? next time, eat@cpk..
21 May 2004
no subject
ey, who's up for bowling this weekend?? just asking.. not that i'm planning to go..heh!
obviously, i need a vacation.. :D
points to ponder (i forgot where i got this list..found it in my notebook):
Resolve everyday to :well, well... i don't think i do that everyday..expecially no.4 (if walking to the food court during lunch is not qualified)..
1. Do something for someone else
2. Do something for myself
3. Do somehing I don't want to do that needs doing
4. Do a physical exercise
5. Do a mental exercise
6. Do an original prayer that always includes counting your blessings
17 May 2004
a visit from a friend
Happy Teacher's Day to all teachers!!!
Terima Kasih Che'gu!
12 May 2004
about my friends, in love and butterfly..
although i work in the same building as my best friends, we do not have the luxury of meeting every other day, let alone's been a while since i last saw them.. almost 2 weeks, then yesterday, i asked one of them to go lunch with me.. and she extended the invitation to the others.. well, only mate could make it.. so we went.. i was so glad to meet her that i hugged her..hehe..i told u that i missed u rite?? u too pdaz..hehe.. so glad to see familiar faces (which do not have anything to do with the workplace :p).. so we ate together and chit-chatted away over lunch..on the way back from lunch, we bumped into her pulak...hehhe...another biigg teddy hug for rasz..woohoo.. altho she couldn't make it to lunch..jumpe tepi jalan pun okay ape...haha..wait for another 2 weeks eh guyz..
p/s: errmm.. loly .. ko je laa yg tak jumpe lagik..u've been bz aa??
somebody i know is in love..hmmm...angau la tu..floating and spinning around ek? well, whatever you do, don't spin too hard, you might lose sight of everything around you.. be careful bebeh..jangan sampai tergoleks..
i have a presentation tomorrow..not a big one..just a small one..maybe for 10 minutes..haha..itupun nak butterfly gak..hehe..just weekly updates, but still my first time..i'm sure i'm gonna do well.. *bolelah cakap camtu becoz 10 minutes je...*
10 May 2004
Info::A Dietary Approach to Menstrual Pain and PMS
Whole grains: brown rice, whole grain bread, oatmeal, etc.
Vegetables: broccoli, spinach, carrots, sweet potatoes, Swiss chard, brussels sprouts, etc.
Legumes: beans, peas, and lentils
Avoid completely:
Animal products of any type: fish, poultry, meats, eggs, dairy products
Added vegetable oils: salad dressings, margarine, and all cooking oils
Any other fatty foods: doughnuts, french fries, potato chips, peanut butter, etc.
Other tips:
Be sure to eat food as unprocessed as possible, choosing brown rice instead of white rice and whole grain bread instead of white bread to preserve their fiber.
Experiment with this diet for just one menstrual cycle to begin to feel results.
It's important not to have any animal products or oily foods. Even seemingly modest amounts can cause more symptoms at month's end.
<source> <more..>
wow!! can or not??
05 May 2004