It's A Great Life To Live
27 August 2006
dear amir..
10 August 2006
we will rock you..
You are a Rocker Girl! |
![]() If you don't have musical talent, you've got a talent for picking out great CD's. Music rules your life - and you've got the best MP3 collection of anyone you know. Many guys find you intimidating, but a select few think you're the catch of a lifetime. Start hanging out in more used record stores, and you'll find love with a fellow rocker! |
Labels: i'm bored
04 August 2006
malam-malamku kembali terang...
why, you ask?
it all started last week..
the main fuse box started giving out this crackling noises and few of the lights went out temporarily.. after a few smack with the broom it wen OK.. couple of days later, it started to act out on a daily basis.. my sis and i reported to the landlady and apparently she's been posted out of town for some time now and we were to liaise with his son..
i didn't know what does his son work as, and still don't.. but he has this odd working hours everyday.. so, once he came to the house at around 11.30pm.. without any warning.. so, i didn't know what they did, the lights were OK again.. the next day, however, the whole thing happen again.. this time, not even the smack with the broom worked.. the house went gelap gelita... nasib baik only the lights went out.. oh and the power socket in my sis's room... the rest is fine.. so we were able to still watch tv and use the fan and all... for lighting, nasib baik yours truly got the uplight lamp tu.. so we used that for the living room and the kitchen... so the lamp was taken in and out of the kitchen and the living room.. only that the wire is not long enough to be taken to the toilet.. so we used torch light.. as for the rooms, we don't use any lights.. well, my sister has her computer as light source.. and i used the torch light to look for things in my room.. otherwise, i only sleep in the room... thank god i managed to match my work clothes and put on make up appropriately... nothing out of the ordinary...
so it went on for almost a week now...
why, again you ask?
after the first visit from the SOTL (son of the landlady) and his friend, it was kind of hard to get them to come... well, first the SOTL works odd hours.. and his friend seems to be electrician on a part-time basis only, he has a day-job also.. so there..
then i asked the SOTL's friend to come without SOTL on saturday since there are other people in the house besides me and my sis... and the SOTL said his friend will come on saturday night without him.. fine by me, only that he didn't show up.. after 15 minutes waiting, i called SOTL and he sounded surprised and asked me to call him 5 minutes later (punya laa kedekut airtime).. turned out there was some "problem" and he couldn't make it... fine, i immediately rescheduled for the next day.. SOTL said he will reconfirm with me..
sunday came.. i waited for them... batang hidung sekor pun takde... i tried calling SOTL a few times but no answer... then i sent sms saying i will wait until noon... after that i had somethings to be done... still no reply.. so i went out after lunch.. went back to seremban... had a birthday party at my house for my niece, shuna.. at 11++pm, SOTL called saying he was outside the house... expecting me not having any social life.... *^@$#$%^&
SOTL: saya dah ada kat luar ni
me: saya takda kat rumah
SOTL: abis tu kunci?
me: *^@$#$%^& saya kat seremban.. kunci ngan saya la..
SOTL: abis tu macam mana nak betulkan?
me: malam ni tak boleh lah, saya takde kat rumah..
SOTL: malam esok la kalo camtu..
or so it went...
monday night, still takda batang hidung sekor2 tu.... so i pun consider la sket diorg ada keja ke hapa ke.. and i was tired of chasing them.. so i just slept in the dark... hoping they call the next morning...
tuesday night, when i got back, still no phone call and sms from SOTL or the landlady... so i sent a fiery sms to both landlady and SOTL.. not la so fiery.. just gertak sket... something like: kalo takde org nak dtg gak, saya cari org sendiri and tolak duit sewa... so the landlady said la.. she was sorry and that if i find the repairman myself, i can deduct from the rent... ok...
wednesday... i started calling tnb... and they always assume that the main fuse box in my house looked like the modern one.. with lots of switches inside... but mine was so buruk.. no switches at all... only black boxes... so they said they will send people to have a look at it.. so i took of the afternoon off and went back... tp when i followed up with them it turned out i have to look for contractor to do it, since the problem is inside the house, not outside... so diorang tak jadi datang... argghhhh.. so i went out.. wanna look for a wireman, electrician, contractor whatever these guys are called... found an electrical appliances shop near my house so i went and ask... the owner recommend me a guy and gave me phone number... let's call him microphone... so i called microphone, he immediately told me that he would come 30 minutes later... i was so relieved that he showed up.. when he looked at the fuse box, he said that the thing was already outdated... dah takda spare part jual... so i asked him how long will it take him to change and how much will it cost.. ok.. i really didn't care if he was not telling me the truth or what... coz all i cared was to have the lights back in my house... so, i told the landlady about it and she was a bit shocked about the price.. after she learned that microphone is not of malay ethnicity, she went like: akak, kalau nak kena tipu, biar ngan melayu.. jangan bangsa lain... and i went like: akak, saya tak kisah, janji kerja jalan... well of course, you see, with SOTL and his friend, the problem was never solved.. no follow up.. no calls.. no nothing!.. but microphone showed up when he said he was coming... so there.. then my landlady reluctantly said, ok lah, let SOTL's friend see one more time, if it didn't work, then i can call up microphone and let him do his work..
BUT.. you must've predicted by now that they never showed up... well.. he was supposed to be there wednesday evening and again.. no signs of his nose!!
on thursday (yesterday) ... i sms my landlady saying that nobody came.. she replied saying that SOTL's friend came but nobody's at home.. WHAT! i was there alright... i went out grocery shopping after 8pm.. HELLO!! so she gave me SOTL's friend number.. i called him, and he said that he was there at 6.30pm.. i was at home alright.. so was my sis... i said that was impossible... both of us were at home and my sis said she didn't hear any knock at the door... so he said, takpelah, kalau dah ada kontraktor nak buat just proceed je lah, since he has a day-job and nobody can predict when he is available (exaggerated).. so i sms my landlady again, she said ok setuju.. so i asked for a half day leave (again) from my boss and made and appointment with microphone.. yeay!
so i was sooo happy that thursday night would be the last night i bergelap... so i went to sleep early.. around 10.30pm.. tau2.. my sis woke me up at 12.30 tengah malam saying that SOTL and his friend were outside... they were knocking at the door, wanting to check the fuse box.. i was so pissed... dah la datang tengah2 malam, with no warning, pastu nak marah2 because i called microphone to change the fuse box.. so what? dah korang tu tak datang.. datang pulak tengah malam.. (i couldn't really remember what i said tapi i remembered that i was so damn angry).. since they insisted to see the fuse box, i let them in... i just sat there, staring at them with muka yg macam hantu (didn't even bother to comb my hair), tengok diorang tengah buat2 macam membetulkan something... i know this is bad, but i wished that they were electrocuted... (yup, i was that angry)... but they still couldn't make all the lights on... i told them that i didn't care if they could make all the lights on, for all i know, i had taken my leave and microphone would come and CHANGE the stupid old fuse they went back and i went back to bed reeaaall angry... bodoh betul diorang ni... geram aku!!
so today, microphone came around 9 am and changed to whole thing.. siap ada nyanyian live lagi sambil2 dia dok memasang fuse box baru tu... haha... and tadaaa!!!!

puas hati aku.. dan kini.. malam-malamku kembali terang... yeay! sekian, terima kasih!!
Labels: happenings
03 August 2006
on my playlist...
Free is what we all want to be
Take a walk around the block til you see
Everything you want life to be
Tell your mother, beg your father
Respect your sister, talk to your brother
Don't wait don't bother, don't try to save it
Sooner or later, you will discover
Oh life is too short, but it's for sure, you can make it (2x)
It's the love alive gets that is both
Love it's the only dream in my heart and soul
Easier to dream than it is to cry
When you're in love goodbye
Tell your mother, beg your father
Respect your sister, talk to your brother
Don't wait don't bother, don't try to save it
Sooner or later, you will discover
Oh life is too short, but it's for sure, you can make it (2x)
Beg your father
Don't wait don't bother
Sooner or later, you will discover
You will discover
Tell your mother
Respect your sister, talk to your brother
Don't wait don't bother
You will discover
Go thank your mother, thank your father...
life - ricky martin
Labels: my soundtrack
01 August 2006
last weekend...
.. my niece, shuna, turned 4.. >>pictures<<
sekian update untuk kali ini..
Labels: happenings