It's A Great Life To Live
12 October 2006
it's been a while huh..

yep.. i celebrated my 18th birthday (yg ke-8) more than a week ago... coincidently (ke sengaja ye.. hmm) my company had a buka puasa event that day.. at hilton kl.. so i (more like we, coz there's quite a number of october babies in my company) was surprised lah.. seriously dilla.. it was a surprise.. a sweet one... especially the celebration was exactly on my birthday kan... the cake(s) were so cute.. card pun cute... thanks dilla & dayang..
i'd also like to thank my beloved friends and family for the well wishes... sms, email, card, presents, blog post ;) ... and also the cancelled surprise birthday break-fast... yep loly, i have my own sources.. hehe.. of course you know who they are (ada la beberapa orang yg bagitau.. ) although cancelled, i still appreciate it.. coz it's the thought that counts (i know it sounds cliche, but what else to say? it's the truth).. tHanK yOU mY beLoVEd!!! thank you all from the bottom of my heart... ;)
p/s: who else is going to the alumni break-fast?? jom la g reramai... rsvp to loly kay!
Labels: happenings