i don't know, for some reason, today, i feel blessed for having a lot of people in my life..
for being there for me all the time..
for accepting me just the way that i am..
for listening to my rants and insecurities..
for giving me advice when i need it..
for talking to me even when i am not talking back..
for keeping my spirits up..
i know i can count on all of you.. thank you so much!
Labels: unclassified
picture only.. malas nak cerita..

shian, chabutt!!
Labels: happenings
sebenarnya, i think it's about time dia buat hal pun.. because all these while, it's been such a good car to me.. biasa la.. pompuan... tau isi minyak, jalan je... kalau rajin pun antar service sekali sekala.. yes, sekali-sekala aje.. ikut sedap oren je..
tau-tau bila dah jadi camni, baru tau menyesal that i know so little (or nothing) about car engine.. seb baik ade ude :D... so right now my car is in the workshop..
so nak cerita pasal mekanik tu.. when i sent the car, i remember him saying that whatever it is, he'll check the car, and will inform us (me & ude) of what went wrong, how much it costs, etc. before doing anything.. all of a sudden he called today and said dah start beli barang la, trade in ape lah (obviously i didn't know what he was referring to) and the whole works will cost me rm2xxx.. what? i said WHAT??!! so i asked him to call ude.. ude pun ape lagi, dah la tengah bagi lecture.. he had to stop the lecture to give lecture (aka 'sekolah'kan) the mechanic.. ya lah.. janji tak buat ape2, just see what's wrong and inform us of the cost before doing anything.. tup2 dah beli barang and nak buat je terus.. pastu ckp i dah cakap OK.. bile mase.. kalo i cakap OK, takkan la i asked him to call ude.. sungguh la bijaksana...
so skarang nih, ude kata, if it's gonna cost me that much, might as well lah change to new engine (!) aka pimp my ride.. har har har.. lepas ni i jadi fast & furious di jalan raya lah nampak nye.. cepat la dapat kereta balik.. the car that's on loan to me now, sound system sangat tak syok.. kena dengar iPod sendiri sebab speaker pecah... :(
pulanglah cepat..
Labels: happenings